Sunday, November 17, 2013

Windows Network API

Berkeley Compatible Sockets function similar to UNIx.  It is implemented in the Winsock libraries, primarily in ws2_32.dll.  Common socket functions:

socket - create a socket
bind - attach a socket to a port
listen - start a socket to listen to a port
accept - open a connection to a remote socket and accept the connection
connect - open a connection to a remote socket which is waiting for a connection
recv - receive data
send - send data

Prior to use these function, the WSAStartup function must be call to load the network library and allocate resources.

WinINet is a higher level API which implement HTTP and FTP protocols.  It is implemented in Wininet.dll.

InternetOpen - initialize a connect to Internet
InternetOpen Url - open a connection to HTTP or FTP site
InternetReadFile - retrieve a file from the site

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