Friday, December 22, 2023

CICS Subpools

 Control subpool is used to keep CICS control blocks such as DCA. The allocation is typically small and use a first fit algorithm. It uses 4 bytes SAA. 

Teleprocessing subpool contains TIOA. This subpool is usually large when there is a big network. The pool uses 8 bytes SAA and with end SAA to detect storage violation. 

Task subpools is used to hold control structures related to task such as TCA and VSWA. Program’s working. Storage and linkage section storage are also allocated out of this subpool. The storage requested by program at different time is not contiguous. The storage chain is addressed from TCA. As the storage is under control of user programs, CICS uses 8 bytes SAA and duplicate SAA at end of the area 

Shard subpool contains TS main storage and BMS. Four bytes SAA s used and no duplicate SAA

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