Sunday, February 23, 2014


Enterprise Extender in CS/AIX is implemented simply as a new communications link. To connect two SNA applications over IP, you define an Enterprise Extender link in the same way as for any other link type such as SDLC or Ethernet. This new DLC allows you to take advantage of APPN/HPR functions in the IP environment.

In HPR the begin- and end-node are the only nodes responsible for this checking, flow control and, if necessary, reassembly and segmentation. This means that CPU and memory needs of intermediate nodes are less, but that CPU and memory needs of the end-nodes is more. In a 1-hop (2 node) HPR environment, you get none of the advantages but you pay all the costs of HPR, which means throughput is likely to be less than non-HPR.

Automatic Network Routing (ANR) is a low-level routing mechanism that minimizes cycles and storage requirements for routing packets through intermediate nodes. ANR represents significant increases in routing speed over basic APPN. ANR provides point-to-point transport between any two endpoints in the network. Intermediate nodes are not aware of SNA sessions or RTP connections passing through the node. ANR is designed for high-performance switching, since no intermediate node storage for routing tables is required and no precommitted buffers are necessary.

To define a EE link
- define a node, including cp info and nodeid (XID)
- define a port in the node - this add dlc and port seciton in /etc/sna/sna_node.cfg
- define a link station in the port

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