Friday, September 27, 2013

Windows user mode components

Environmental subsystem provide API for specific applications to run. NT4 supports 5 environmental subsystems:

Win32 or later Windows subsystem
Windows on Windows (WOW) for 16-bit Windows applications e.g. Win 3.1
NT Virtual DOS machine (NTVDM) for DOS applications
POSIX and later Services for UNIX (SFU) or Subsystem for UNIX based application (SUA)

Windows subsystem consists of 3 basic components:
(1) csrss.exe - Client Server Runtime Subsystem (user mode) It plays a role in managing processes and threads. It supports command line interface.
(2) win32k.sys - Kernel mode device driver
(3) User mode DLL that implement the subsystem's API, e.g. kernel32.dll, gdi.dll, shell32.dll, rpcrt4.dll, advapi32.dll, user32.dll etc.

When a Windows API need to access services in executives, it goes through ntdll.dll which reroutes code to ntoskrnl.exe

Service Control Manager (SCM) is implemented by service.exe in system32 directory. SCM launches and manages user mode service which is just a user-mode application runs in background.

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