Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Threaded Interpretation

The basic interpretator consists of a central loop which drive the interpretation as follow:

While PC->instruction
decode instruction
dispatch to emulation routine
PC = PC + 1

Instead of using the central decode-dispatch loop, append the decode and dispatch logic at then end of the emulation routine to speed up by reducing the number of branches in the basic interpretator. The emulation routines are threaded together indirectly through a table and thus is called indirect threaded interpretation.

Predecoding can achieve further efficiency. Specificially, predecoding involves parsing an instruction and putting it in a form that simplifies interpretation. For example the following is a list of instruction in predeconded form

struct instruction {
unsigned long op
unsigned char dest;
unsigned char src1
unsigned int src2
} code [CODE_SIZE]

If same source instructions are interpreted, the intermediate form can be reused. Because the intermediate code is separate from the source code, a Target PC (TPC) is used to track the execution of the intermediate code. The SPC and TPC may have no direct coorelation. Thus both values must be tracked.

The op field can be further optimized to hold the actual address of the emulation routine. Thus saving an indirect look up and jump operation. This is called direct threading.

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