Tuesday, December 31, 2024


traditional neural network classify an image based on optimal weighs and bias. It does not learn the semantics of the image. 

Convuluted neural network uses kernels to highlight (pick up, understand) the structure of an image like vertical edges, horizontal edges, orientation, texture and colour. 

Traditional neural network learns as weak even if image is scrambled (transposing pixels in the same way for every input picture). CNN could not as this will destroy the structural information of the picture. 

CNN “convert” the original input into a set of structural information representational input to a traditional neural network to do the final classification. Similar class would generate a similar representation by the convolution layers before input to the dense layer ( ie the traditional neural network). 

CNN can give the ability of the model to see. 


 Convolution is a mathematical operation which apply a kernel to transform input. Let the input be a matrix (representing an image for example). A kernel is a small matrix that act like a filter that transform a part of the image via multipl Caution and addition to derive a final number as output. The kernel is applied from the top left of the matrix? Slide one number to the right each time until it is applied to the entire matrix. The output “enhanced” certain feature in the matrix in the output matrix. 

Stochastic Gradient Decend

Running through the whole test data set to determine the next weigh and bias values is ideal but when the data set is massive, it becomes computationally challenging to complete an epoch. 
A compromise is to randomly picks a subset of input called minibatch and uses a few of tthem to approximate the descend calculation. The act of randomly picking is called stochastic. 
The advantage of this approach is that it reduces the computational demand and at the same time provide a good approximation of the gradient of the loss function which is typically unknown at the beginning. A strong gradient hint can be ignored by early ti avoid  falling into local minima

Monday, December 30, 2024

Training neural jetwork

A network need to train multiple time with the same test data but each time used different initial weighs and bias values. Through each training (epoch), the final weigh and bias will generated result that form the confusion matrix. These matrices are used to compare the result to denting the best weigh and bias sets ( local minima vs global minims). 

Weigh Initialization

Initially, random values are used to initiakuze the weighs.  Weigh cannot be initialized to zeros as it make the learning void. Later, algorithm are established to initials the weigh and bias values based on the node function, the number of Inuit and the number of outputs, which give better training result. 

Back propagagtion

Neural network calculate the inputs and propagate the result from one layer to another left to right. 

A loss function calculate the errors. The loss function represent a n-dimensional plane f which n equal to the number do features. 

Back propagation is to calculate the effect of each weight contributed to the loss based on Differential calculus. The outcome is used to adjust the weigh (add or subtract from the weigh) the calculation is from output to input, right to left, and thus called back propagation. 

Neural network

Each node in the newok has one or more inputs and an output. Each input has an associated weight and the node has a bias value.  The value of each input multiplies its weight. Product value if inputs are summed up and the bias is added to the result. The result is input to a function represented by the node to generate the output value. The function maps the sum to an output value. 

Training the network is to find the set of weights and boss’s that generate the least error. This is done by using the gradient descend algorithm. 

Saturday, December 28, 2024


 Support vector machine use mathematic model to segregate the dimension into 2 classes. The data points of a class is congregated on 1 side of the model (line, plane, multi dimensional plane). Tye distance between the separation plane and the closest vectors form the margin. The vectors on the margin are called support vectors.  SVM is the methodology to find the optimal separation plane. 

The advantage of SVM is it requires less computing power than neural network. 

Friday, December 27, 2024

Forest and tree

 Decision tree encoded a series of if/then/else question to reach a leaf node as output. Cloning a decision tree to a forest of trees can improve the accuracy of the model. Cloning a tree by using a different subset of training data (which allow duplicate use of same data in the sampling). Another variation can use a subset of features. Using these inputs to train a tree, they introduce randomness into the tree formation. Random trees are like wisdom by group. 

Expert system

Expert systems are hard to build and is brittle (not easy to respond to changes).

K nearest neighours

This model does not contains a function. The data is the model itself. It is very simple to train this model. But the run time performance is not good. 


AI model is good at interpolation but bad for extrapolation. Interpolation means the object to classify is included in the training data. Extrapolation means when the object was not seen in the sample and thus the model attempt to estimate a match. For example a model to classify for and car could not classify a wolf. 

Therefore the completeness of training data for a specific task is important for a model to work well. 

Wednesday, December 4, 2024


BCS is a KSDS file and the dataset name is the key.  System managed datasets and VSAM datasets are recorded in VVDS. the non-VSAM and non-system managed datasets are recorded in BCS. 

BCS contains information of dataset like where does it resides (DASD, tape, other medium). 

MVS Catalog

Catalog is a VSAM dataset which contain information of other dataset in the system. There is one master catalog which is required for IPL. The MCAT is provided as a parameter in the IPL. MCAT contains info of all the SYS1 dataset and it point to other user catalogs. 

There are multiple user catalogs. Catalogs points to VVDS (VSAM Volume). There is one VVDS per volume. VVDS contains dataset info for VSAM dataset and non-VSAM datasets under system management. VVDS is like the old  VTOC. One VVDS can be pointed by more than 1 BCS (base catalog structure = catalog). 

Monday, December 2, 2024

Language Environment

LE provide a common run time for various languages on mainframe. LE basic routines support starting/stopping program, allocation of storage and communication between programs written in different languages and handling errors 

LE common library services include math routines, date/time service etc. 

Language may called these services via its specific call which underneath mapped to LE call.

LE provides a common dump format for all languages. 


POSIX defines a set of API applicable not only to UNIX but to other operating systems as well. It is a set of standard describing a list of operating system components from C language , shell interfaces for system admin etc. POSIX originated from IEEE, later sponsored by ISO and incorporated in X/OPEN Portability Guide (XPG)

Unix support on mainframe

MVS/ESA 4.3 open edition support  POSSIX standard (1003.1/1a/1c and 1003.2).  Additional function was added to MVS 5.2.2 to meet the XPG4 and over 90% of XPG4.2. More function added later and OpenEdition became an official UNIX system (from application perspective, there is no difference). 

XPG4 branded means zOS supports a common set of UNIX API. Branded means zOS is registered to  /Open and IBM is entitled to use the X/Open trademark. XPG4.2invlift all commands and utilities and C services 

Saturday, November 30, 2024

CML lock

Cross memory local lock refer to the LOCAL lock of an address space other than the home address space 

AR and cross memory

You cannot use AR to transfer control. To do this, you need to use either SRB or PC. PC routine can use AR to access data from the caller. It can also use MVCP (move to primary) or MVCS to access data in caller without using AR. 

Address translation mode

Home address space is where the work unit is dispatched. Primary address space indicates the segment tables used to fetch instruction is all address modes. Secondary address space indicates segment tables used to use to fetch data is the secondary ASC mode. 

ASC (access register address space control) mode determine how the processor resolve address in a program. 

In Primary ASC mode, processor does not use AR and fetch both instruction and data from the primary address space. 

In secondary ASC mode, processor does fetch instruction from the primary address space and data from the secondary address space. 

In AR ASC mode, processor uses AR to resolve address in address or data space. The program can move, compare and operate on data in other address space or data space. 

Cross memory communication in mvs

There is 2 ways to call service provided by another address space. 

Asynchronous cross memory communication is via SRB. For example, VTAM schedule a SRB to the address space waiting for the terminal data when it arrives  

Synchronous cross memory is via PC call.  Service provider is responsible to save the registers and status of the caller in the processor provided linkage stack, and restore them before returning (called stacking PC). Service provider set up the environment using macros and created a PC number for the caller to call. 

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Storage SVC

Getmain and Freemain resolved into SVC 4, 5, 10 and 120. SVC 10 and 120 are used for both get and freemain. A flag in register differentiate between these 2 requests. After processing, control is given the Exit Prolog like other SVC. 

GETMAIN storage types

Request type ELEMENT asks for a single area of specific length. VARIABLE type asks for an area with size between 2 values. LIST type asks for one or more areas with specific size. 

MVS storage managers

VSM tracks storage allocation in virtual memory for each address space via subpools. It monitors and limits virtual storage request. 

RSM deals with the use or real memory. It handle paging with support from ASM. 

ASM manage the paging dataset and maintain accounting info for address space pages 

Local SRB dispatching

Dispatcher loops through the LSMQ and move the SRB to LSPL of each address space the SRB associated with. Each time an SRM is moved to the list, dispatcher invoke MSR and at the end, PSAANEW would contain the highest priority ASCB. 

Dispatcher compare PSAANEW and PSAAOLD to determine if a higher priority address space is now ready. If yes, it load the segment origin to CR1. Dispatcher will then look for work in the address space until all done. It the. Switch to the next priority highest address space.  

Saturday, November 16, 2024

Global SRB dispatching

 Dispatcher follows the pointer in CVT to find the GSMQ (global service manager queue). GSMQ is like a staging queue. Dispatcher loops through the queue and issue SCHEDULE to the SRB which insert them into GSPL (global service priority queue). GSPL has 2 sub queues. One is non-quiescable SRB and one is normal system SRB. Dispatcher distribute the GSMQ to these 2 queues. 

Dispatcher then goes through GSPL to select one for dispatching. First it check if the system is no dispatches or and if it is, is the ASCB associated with this SRB is in the exemption list. ( the reason for the exemption is because some address spaces need to run to bring the system back from wait state). 

Dispatcher continue the following check to make sure the SRB is dispatchable before running it:

- is the SRB is dispatchable or not.

- if the address space associated with this SRB is dispatchable

- is all SRB STOP indicator is off

When the SRB passes the test, dispatcher update PSAAOLD with the ASCB address and set up the environment (load the segment origin to CR1, increase counter in ASCB, set up return address back to dispatcher in R14 etc)  dispatcher then issues LPSW to transfer control to the SRB  note tha PSAANWW is not updated for global STB processing 

Dispatcher Logic Overview

Dispatcher firstly checks if any exit processing is to be taken. Example of exits are cpu auto recovery, vary cpu or time of day clock updates. 

Next dispatcher checks if any global SRB was s ready to run. When this is done, dispatcher post SRB in the request queue to their respective address spaces. It is because SRB has same dispatching priority as the address space processing it. 

Next, dispatcher checks if any local supervisor works has been interrupt and now can resumed. Local supervisor now runs as enabled which could be interrupted. 

Next is to dispatch works (SRB and TCB) in address space. 

Lastly when no work in the system is available, dispatcher dispatch the WAIT ASCB (0) which place the system in wait state until the next interrupt triggers. 

Memory switching routine

MSR is called by supervisory functions such as ASCBCHAP, lock release, DEQ etc of which new work is made available.  MSR compares the priority of the new work va the existing active address space and if higher, update PSAANEW with the address of ASCB of the new work. 

In multiprocessor system, MSR compares the priority against the address spaces in all CPU and update one of them if the condition matches. It then generated a SIGP interrupt to the CPU and forced an entry into the dispatcher even if the CPU may be in Wait state with no outstanding dispatch able works. 

MVS Dispatcher switch

Dispatcher will look for some in 2 conditions. Firstly is ASCB address stored ib PSAANEW is different from PSAAOLD. It indicate  la higher priority work is available. Secondly is the current active address space has no more dispatcher work. 

Friday, November 15, 2024

I/O interrupt at MVS

IO interrupt could be generated from the device or from the channel program. For the latter, the program may encountered program check or unit check or busy exception stays of the devices. The interrupt handler located in the necleus will save the registers and call I/O supervisor to handle the request 

PcFLIH handling 2

 For interrupt code 0C1 to F, FLIH n the da to determine if control should be given to SPIE or RTM.

The following. Condition will pass control to RTM with call type =PROGMCK:

(1) PSW is set to have IO and external interrupt =disabled 

(2) process is in SRB mode 

(3) process holding locks 

(4) process is in supervisor state 

If the process does not have an active SPIR, RTM is called. Else control is give to SPIE. FLIH will set up a SRB with info from the SPIE control blocks. It then make the TCB to be no dispatches or, decrease the ready TCB count of the add re as space by 1, schedule the SRB and give control to dispatcher. 

PCFLIH handling 1

When a program check happened, the first level interrupt handler would get control. It saves the PSW, registers and interrupt length code  in LCCA. 

If it is a translation exception, it set a recursive indicator. 

If this is not the first time translation exception occurrence, special processing started. For the first recursion, load R1 with the master segment table and abend the address space. For the second recursion terminate the entire system and placed in wait state

Friday, November 8, 2024

Antivirus types

Two types - one works in based on signature and one based on heuristic. A signature is a segment of code that represented a virus. The signature is compare against a database so this tupe of antivirus works on known virus that infected enough target to be picked up. Heuristic antivirus looks at network pattern for anomalies. It must be trained to recognize what normal looks like. It is typically deploy in network choke points like proxies and firewalls. 


 Bukit modifies boot sector and is difficult to detect as it is launched before the antivirus software loaded. It can be detected via a scan initiated from a secure device like usb. Some os supports secure boot of which it will examine the boot record before start booting. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024


Domain message authentication reporting is used by a mail server to verify a received email is authorised to be sent from the domain and IP. It consists of sender policy framework (spf) and domain keys identified mail (skim) records. When a mail is received, the sender domain and ip is checked against the record and if not matched will be reported to the user. This could be used to detect phishing mail. This requires user to actively maintain the spf and dkim record for it to works. Also IP can be impersonated and so passing the check does not guarantee the mail is legitimate. 

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Core C states

 CC0 is active state with at least 1 thread running.  Clock gating may apply to part of the core unused. 

CC1 have most of the core clocks gated except some to keep coherence with other cores like snoop, cache and TLB is maintained. 

CC1e for enhanced to have frequency/voltage scaling applied to save more power. 

The exit latency for CC1 is about 1 u Sec  

CC3 used clock gating and use retention voltage  L1 and L2 are flushed  

CC6 employs power gating   Power to core is at 0  L1/2 cache and TLB are flushed  processor state stored outside and restore on wake  

CC3 and 6 uncut exit latency ip to 100 micro sec (u Sec)

CC8 to 10 are CC6 with additional power saving outside the core 

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Thread and core C states

For CPU that support SMT, software can request the core to enter some thread C state. Each hardware thread can enter a different thread C state. If all thread requested thread C state, the CPU will enter into a corresponding core C state based in the shallowest thread C state requested. 

If a thread C state request does not induce a core C state, the power saving is minimal. 

When all cores in a package entered some deep C states, the package could entered into a package C state to further save power. 

Power saving states

C state refers to core state which power to the core parts are turned off to save power. There are different C state level with progressive longer exit latency. 

Package C state applies the techniques beyond the core to other components in the package like cache, integrate PCIe controller etc

P state refers to power state which frequency and voltage scaling is used to save power on the core or package level 

T state is to duty recycle core (shutdown the core). This is not so much to save power but to throttle to reduce thermal and power issues. 

S state refer to sleep state which drive the poster to near zero. This is usually employed in workstation but can also used for server. 

G state refers to global state which is similar to S state but apply to the whole platform. 

D state refers to device state which component like PCI card or drive is powered down to save power. 

Power saving strategies

 Power saving strategies may or may not save power if its usage is not engineered. Turning off a circuit trade off performance vs power consumption. However, other circuit waiting for the resumption of the part may wasted power during the waking up and overall power consumption reduction may be voided or even negated in some circumstances. 

Race to idle strategy is to operate the server at its peak performance at all time and jump into power saving mode when the work is cleared. This strategy usually not taken because of its impact to performance to long start up time from a deep state and also the power costumed in idle state to make it effective.   

Slow and steady strategy operate the server at level to process work continuously hourly without enter into power saving state. This is the most common strategy for server. 

Jog to idle strategy processes work at an optimal frequency and hip into power saving mode during work gap. The issue associate with this strategy is that the gap could be difficult to come by and few depending on the workload. 

Not off but reduce power

 Power consumption is proportional to frequency applied to a circuit part. If the work does not requires too performance, the frequency could be reduce to lower the power voltage consumed.  If the part is not needed for some time, just maintain the retention voltage level to that part to minimise power. 

Clock gating and power gating

Synchronous logic required clock signal to operate. Stopping clock signal to a part will reduce the active  power usage by that part. 

Power dating stop the power completely to a part. It saved both active power and stopped leakage too. 

To resume the operation for that part, clock gating takes less time then power gating (u sec vs n sec) because the latter need more time to restore its state in the circuit. 

Monday, October 28, 2024

Active power

 CPU power consists of logic power and io power. Logic power consists of dynamic power and leakage power. Dynamic power included the power used by the clocks and the power used for computation.  Dynamic power varies according to the workload. For example a simple application not using floating point calculation will consume less power as the floating point unit is unused. Leakage of power exists when  transistor are charged and discharged  

Io power is used to drive the connections from the CPU to the peripheral. Some io connection uses power proportional to the bandwidth (eg ram). Some io uses constant power all the time eg PCI. 

The third type of power is called platform power which is the power used by ram, disk, network card etc. 

Sunday, October 27, 2024

IO signalling

 Single-ended signalling use a reference line transmitting the base voltage. To transmit n bits, it uses n+1 signal paths. The data path voltage relative to the reference line determine the value of the bit. 

Differential signalling uses 2 lines and their relative voltage different determine the bit transmitted. Differential signalling has higher interference resistant but uses more power even when there is no transmission is needed. 

Thermal Design Point

 TDP indicate the heat generated by a CPU running with a worst case SSE commercial application for a period of time. CPU is designed for a specific TDP to ensure heat generated are dissipated. CPU would throttle or shutdown if it operate above TDP.  TDP is defined with a base frequency (p1 frequency)  

Actual workload having different profile may operate the CPU below TDP. This gives room for increasing the base frequency when this workload runs and this is the basis for turbo. 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

CPU interfaces

 Beside interfacing to memory, storage, video, network and USB port, the coherent interconnect (eg Intel QOI) connects cpu sockets to allow sharing a common OS. The non-coherent interface allows connecting machine together and the remote machine can access local memory like a PCIe device with a MMIO memory mapped IO range assigned. 

CPU power control

 Compare to CPU l, memory uses significantly less power because there is less transistor switching required. When the machine is idle, the relative power usage for cpu may become less. Microcontrollers are built into the core major components to s new thermal level and control individual component power state. This hardware set up is called power control unit and the firmware is called pcode. The firmware is typically proprietary and configuration is exposed via BIOS or OS to users. 

Some vendor also run their Ocoe off-chip on a Baseboard Management controller and interface to the PCU via platform environmental control interface (PECI). 

Monday, October 14, 2024


Set the camera at a point in space and the direction that it is facing. At a distance D set a viewport through which the camera see. The viewport defines the part of the scene to be render on the canvas which is a memory buffer sized for a certain resolution. 

The scene is a 3-D space which contains objects. Each object (like a sphere) is model mathematically by equation. Each object has a distance away from the camera (D1). Object behind the viewport will be raytraced and rendered on the canvas. From the camera position to each grid on the view port forms a vector. Extend the vector directionally intent hit an object in the scene (intersect). Paint the grid with the color of the object. As the one t is 3-D, the ray may intersect multiple points on the object. Only the front most point will be painted. 

Sunday, October 13, 2024

SPIE set up

The SPIE macro expanded into a PICA structure and a SVC 14 call.  PICA contains a new program mask, the address of the exit routine supplied by the caller and the program check interrupts to trap. 

SPIE is not a type 1 SVC and so a SVRB is created by FLIH to save the registers of the caller. SVC 14 will check if this is a request to eliminate or to cancel an existing SPIE set up. If not, it will check if it is the first SPIE to set up by checking the TCBPIE field for 0. It GETMAINto create a SCA and a PIE. SCA is made to point to PIE which points to PICA. 

if there is an existing SPIE, put the address of the old PICA in R1 and change the PICA to point to the new PICA. 

Lastly SVC 14 gets the program mask from RBOPSW and save it into TCBPMASK which is the first 4 bits in the first byte o TCBPIE. IT THEN BRACH TO EXIT PROLOG. 

Program interrupt handler

Among the various program.interrupts, 4 of them can be disabled (arithmetic overflow or underflow). MVS will ignore these interrupts when it is disabled. PCFLIH determine if there is a SPIE set up by user to handle the specific types of interrupt and passes control to it if it does. Otherwise PCFLIH passes control to OS EXIT routine will will generate a dump if SYSABEND or SYSDUMP DD card is specified. 


 After SBC completed processing, it passed control to EXIT PROLOG via a BR 14. EXIT PROLOG may pass control to the dispatcher to f the force switch is on. Done SVC like POST or ENQ will caused new work to be ready and thus letting the dispatcher to chose the highest priority work to run next. If the force switch is ofF, EXIT PROLOG may pass control back to the caller. T first determine the type of SVC to work out how to restore the state before returning. Type 1 saved the register in TCB and the other type saves in SVRB. 

EXIT PROLOG would turn off the type 1 flag in ASCB and releases all locks used by SVC. For other SVC types, it acquired the local lock so it can manipulate the RB chain, restored the registers and disabled the io and external interrupt to make it same condition at the time of interrupt. It uses a LPSW instruction to pass control back to the caller. 

web attacks

Injection is to trick the server side to execute code by appending code fragment to the input.  If server side use the input to form the final call to the system, the code fragment is executed.  SQL injection add additional SQL code fragment.  Command injection happens when the system call uses the input.   Remote code execution uses similar principle to exploit web server handling of input.

Cross site scripting attack (XSS) on the other hands is to inject code to client side (web browser).  Web browser dutifully execute all javascript code received.  Stored XSS exploit web pages that embed data stored in database.  Attacker send data contain <script> code segment to the server.  When user retrieve these data (e.g. chat group), the data will be placed inline in the final web page and the code would be executed by the web browser.  

Reflected XSS uses the HTTP request to insert code into the return web page.  Some site may include part of the URL in the web page.  To mitigate, server must sanitize the URL before embed it into the web page to return.  DOM based XSS exploit the URI fragment.  URI fragment is the part of the URL after '#' character.  URI fragment instruct the web browser to automatically scroll to the frame that matches the fragment label.  URI fragment is not saved with the URL in bookmark.  URI segment is not sent to the server and so server side cannot sanitize the URL effectively.



Saturday, October 12, 2024

Color Depth

 To represent a colour on computer, each base color (RGB) is represented by a number of bit. The number of bit represent the intensity of the color emitted by variying the voltage to each colour pixel in the screen. The group of bits for a colour is called a color channel. The number of bit per colour represent the colour depth. Green colour may have more bits than red and blue in some representation because human eyes are more sensitive to green. 

Color model

Subtractive colour applies to light reflect off a surface such as paper. A colour painted on paper work by filtering out (subtract) certain frequent from white light hitting the surface. For example red color on paper is when light hit the color layer and certain frequency is removed, the remaining light hit the surface, reflected off and goes through the paint layer again. The result is the remains frequency shown as red.  The base color is not red blue and yellow, but cyan, magenta and yellow (CYM)  mixing all 3 colours result in a dark color not reallly black. The colour model is represented as CYMK and K stand for black  

Additive colour on the other hand is used when light is emitted from source.and directly observed.  This is the light sent out from monitor. The base color is red, blue and green (RBG). Mixing all 3 base colour result in white. 

SVC Type 2/3/4 processing by FLIH

 FLIH will obtain storage to build SVRB because the type 3 and 4 module will s separate from the nucleus. As interior is still disabled, FLIH cannot issue GETNAIN SVC. It uses GETCELL macro to get storage. 

FLIh then moves the registers saved in LCCA to SVRB. IO and external interrupt is re-enabled. Get the locks specified in the SVC table entry. Set up R14 with the address of EXIT PROLOG which is entered when the handle ends to clean up such as SVRB. Beach to the interrupt handler. 

SVC Type 1 processing by FLIH

 FLIH copies the registers in LCCA (saved by the interrupt) to TCB register save area. It then try to acquire a local lock (to the address space it runs in) conditionally. If the lock is granted, it set a flag to indicate it got the local lock, enable interrupt for io and external. It then obtains the other lock required based on the SVC table entry and call the handler. 

If the local lock cannot be granted, FLIh decrement the PSW instruction address by 2. PSW is saved in RB. So PSE is now pointing to the SVC instruction. FLIH then calls dispatcher to dispatch the next highest task in system. When the TCB becomes the highest task again, it becomes a resistance and retry the SVC call. 


Upon an interrupt, the system will automatically save the PSW in PSA and invoke the SVC FLIH (first level interrupt handler). 

FLIH firstly save the state including registers into LCCA. FLIH is executed with interrupt disable so that the registers will not be change before the save is completed. Next FLIH checks various pre-requisites for SVC call before it invoke the actual SVC module to process the request. This include:

- is the SVC called from another SVC? If yes, SVC violation and abend 

- is is called from SRB mode? It f yes, abend

- test the issuer holding any locks  if yes, abend

- check SVC old PSW if it is in disabled state. If yes, abend

When the tests are passed, FLIH get the TCB added from PSATOLD. Get the RB adddress from TcB. Save the states (PSE, ILC, interrupt code) into RB. 

Finally FLIH looks up the SVC handler address from the SVC table and perform one more check - to check if the SVC needs AFP authorised and that the caller indeed satisfy this crirteria. Depending on the SVC type, FLIH will perform some more processing before calling the SBC handler 

As FLIH is executed disabled, it cannot call ABEND SVC.  To abend the caller when above check fails, it uses CALLRTM macro which will resolved into a branch instruction to RTM1 which in turn jump to RTM2 abend processing. 

Friday, July 12, 2024


 DMAP compiler option create the data division map in the compile listing. BL, base locator is just the base address for a 4K block of virtual memory. BL is an index (start from 1) to a table of base address kept in TGT (target global table). The value is to be loaded into a GPR as base register. A field in data division can be access with a displacement. The compile listing will show the BL and DISP clay for each field in the program. 

BLL (base link locater) is similar to BL but for field defined in the linkage section of the program. BLL actual storage valus are also kept in TGT

Address space TCB

 When an address space is created, the first tcb is handcrafted into the address space to kick start the processing required later. The first tcb is RCT (region control task) which initialixe the address space and prepare the address space for swap out and swap in. It will attached the dump task used to dump the address space. It will then start the STC (started task control) task which analyze the command used to start this address space (START, MOUNT, LOGIN) and start the next task accordingly. 

In case of START INIT command (batch), STC will start the initiator task which will start the job step task. 

LOGIN will start the TMP (terminal monitor program) and MOUNT will start the mount processor instead. 

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Global Lock

Global locks are created for sets of global supervisory functions that have minimal interaction among them. There are separate global lock for dispatcher, storage manager, I/O and a miscellaneous functions. 

Global locks are larger disabled spin lock (vs local lock is enabled spin lock). The holder of the lock will disabled interrupt  the waiter of the lock will be spinning enabled for interrupter (external interrupt). Even page fault is disabled when holding the global lock  

I/O and storage manager covers a vast area of functions. Thus they sub-divide their area into multiple locks 

Cross memory service locks is a global lock that holder can be run in enabled state. 

Both global and local lock owner cannot issue SVC. 

Local Lock

There is one local lock in each address space. Local lock is obtained with interrupt enabled. When the function holding local lock is interrupted, dispatcher will not dispatch new TCB in the address space. When the interrupt is handled, the function holding the lock is re-dispatched to let it finishes its work quickly, even though there may be other work that has higher priority is ready. 

If a TCB is already running on another cpu while a local lock is obtained by the current task, dispatcher will let that TCB continue to run until it releases control or interrupted.  But then that TCB will remain suspended until the local lock is released by the current task. 

When a normal task is interrupted, system saved its registers in the IHSA (interrupt handler save area). But if the task is holding a local lock when it is interrupted, the register is saved in a different location. 

Local lock can be requested either as spin or suspend lock. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Addressing mode

Bit 31 in PSW is called extended addressing mode bit. Bit 32 is called basic addressing mode bit. 
When both bits are zero, it uses 24 bit addressing. When bit 32 is a one, it uses 31 bit addressing. When both bits are ones, it uses 64 bit addressing. 

Address related to cross memory operation is always 31 bits. 

Address in CCW is either 24 or 31 bits 

Locks in MvS

 Creating a separate lock for each resources incurred high overheads to maintain them. Creating too few locks will inhibit concurrency. A balanced approach is to group related programs that share resources and create separate lock for each group. In this case the groups of program can process without serializarion interrupted by other group of programs to achieve a balanced concurrency. 

Lock word

Locks are represented by a memory location. CPU attempt to obtain the lock by using compare and swap instruction to store its CPU id to the lock word location.  CPU can repeatedly tried to obtain the lock by looping on the compare and swap instruction until it succeeds. This is called spin lock. 

Sunday, April 21, 2024

SRB execution

SRB is scheduled for execution via a SCHEDULE macro which linked the SRB to either the global or local chain in CVT. 

Dispatcher will dispatch the global SRB before the local ones. When control is given to the SRB routine, it will first free the SRB storage as the dispatcher is not going to do so. SRB is executed with interupt enabled.  But dispatcher will return control to SRB routine when the interrupt is handled. Dispatcher will not pre-empt the SRB unit of work until it gives up control voluntarily. This is to avoid saving and restoring state for a presumed short piece of work. 

SRB can be suspended when it hits a page fault or it asking for a lock that is not available.  In this case, SRB execution cannot continue. The page fault handler or lock manager would save the state of execution to a special SRB (SSRB) so the execution can continue to completion when the wait is over.  Once the resources requested is available, the SSRB will be chained to the local SRB list with a special priority called non-quiesceable.  When an address space is quiesced, dispatcher will let the SSRB to finish before the address space is stopped or otherwise work by SRB is half done and may cause data integrity.  Thus the non-quiesceable property of SSRB.

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Task vs Service

To execute a program in MVS, one can call the ATTACH macro which create a TCB. The ATTACH macro is expanded to a SVC call (42) which trigger interrupt handling. If the task was a performing very short procedure, the overhead of creating a task is too expensive. 

MVS provide a SRB mechanism to allow a subsystem or address space to perform a procedure with less overhead than via creating a task. SRB is invoked via a SCHEDULE macro which does not expand to a SVC instruction. The macro will put the SRB on the appropriate queue and awaiting execution when the address space is picked by dispatcher as the next highest priority to run 

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Compare and swap

 In a multiprocessor systems that several CPU share the same memory, it is important to serialize access to specific memory cell to prevent different CPU overwrites the cell from each others. 

For example, one CPU read the cell content into ALU register, add 1 and store it back to the cell. If the execution is interrupted and the value of the cell is changed by another CPU, the value stored will be overwritten by the first CoU when it resume its execution at a later time not realising the cell value has changed. 

Compare and swap a a hardware interlocking mechanism to prevent this scenario. To use it, a CPU will read the value into the register (first parameter). He CS can instruction then compare the register value with the memory location. If the compare is equal, CS will store the register value (second parameter) to the memory location. If the compare is not equal, CS will store the value at the memory location to the first parameter register. In the latter case, the program need to handle the fact that the memory value has changed and retry the CS instruction until it is successful. 


 When the UPL device address is dialed and operator pressed the load button, the system reads in 24 bytes from the device. 

The first 8 bytes is a PSW. The second  bytes is a CCW which read in a channel program to fetch in the system start up code. The third 8 bytes s a TIC CCW which transfer control to the new channel program read in by the previous CCW. 

Once the system start up code is read in, the system will load the PSW with the first 8 bytes to start the bootstrapping. 

Channel Programming

 Before IOS issue a SIO command, it firstly must set up the address of the channel program, a eries of channel command words in a special memory location called channel status word. If the channel responded positively to SIO, the channel start fetching and executing channel programs and frees the CPU to do other words. 

Channel command word contains the command codes such as read or write, the data address n memory from or to which the data is the be transferred and several flags that nodify the execution of the command word. 

Chain Data flag caused tue channel to continue execute the same command with the data address in the next word. This resulted in an effect of dispersed IO which read or write from few buffers. 

Chain command flag caused the channel to execute the next command on the same device. 

Skip flag caused the channel to read the data but not transmit to the memory. This is used to check the data just written (write check). 

SLI suppresssed length indicator is to ask channel to not abend if the IO byte counts differs from the one specified in the command word. This is to handle variable length record. 

TIC transfer in channel flag is the branch instruction in channel progra. CD and CC flag continue with TIC. If the next work is a TIC, the program will amend. If the next word is not CD or CD, it t indicated end of program. 

Sunday, April 7, 2024

MVS program control

In a job, each step runs a program. Control is passed to the program via an ATTACH macro. The macro has expanded to a SVC to ask supervisor to find and load the program and create a Request Block (RB) to indicate a level of control. Supervisor then pass control to it via BALR 14,15 wheee R14 contains the return address and R15 contains the load add re as of the program.  ATTACH will also create a TCB  

The program can issue LINK macro which ask supervisor to load another program and pass control to it. OS will create another RB for the called program to indicate another level of control. In other words, the called program will return control to the previous level when it issues a RETURN macro. 

The XCTL macro is similar to link except it means called program return control not to the immediate caller but one higher level to the caller id the caller program.  XCTL issue a SVC to replace the caller RB with the caller RB in the call chain  

The LOAD macro loads a program and return the load address. However, no SVC is called this no RB is created.  A caller can jump to the loaded program via a CALL macro and return to the caller via a RETURN macro. 

RB are linked off from TCB. The TCB points to the latest called program. The foist called program for the step will be the last element in the project list and point back to the TCB. 

Saturday, April 6, 2024


The communication vector table (CVT) is kept in SQA. It contains a pointer to the ASVT (address space vector table) which is table the keep track of anll address spaces in the system.  ASVT entry contains the ASID and pointer to the ASCB. 

The size of ASVT is fixed at system generation. All address spaces are kept in ASVT except the master adddess space. The master ASID is 1 and is the first afdtrsss space created. The ASCB is hand crafted and not store in SQA

There is also a head and tail pointers that thread through the list of swapped in ASCB in dispatching priority order. This list is used by dispatcher to find the next AS to run. 

ASCB are kept in SQA and not swappable. ASCB contains information about the address space such as the address space ID, sequence number representing its position I the dispatcher queue, address pointer of the next ASCB file n the dispatcher queue. Whether the AS is swapped in or out, dispatching priority, EPS allocated, real storage frames allocated, number of ready TCB, number of active CPU this AS is on 

ASCB points to ASXB which contain information that f interest to individual AS. I’m t contusions j formation such as number of TCB in this AS, interrupt handler save area (IGSA) and SRB queue.   

ASXB is stored on LSQA and is swappable 

Wednesday, April 3, 2024


MVS use the first 4K page as save area for interrupt PSW. This is called PSA (prefix save area). Each interrupt has a slot to keep the old PSW of the current process and the new PSW used by the first level interrupt handler. In a multi CPU installation, we will need multiple 4K pages for this and each page is used for 1 CPU. Prefixing is used to do that. 

Each CPU has a PVR (prefix value register) which is 12 bit long. DAT translate virtual address referenced by the CPU into a real address the real address top 12 bit (assuming 24 bit addressing) is compare with the PVR value of the CPU. 

If the top 12 bit is zero (ie refer to the first 4K address), the 0s are replaced by PVR value and this form the absolute address. This is equivalent to transpose the fist 4K real dress to another block of real address. This is called forward prefixing. 

If the top 12 bits is not 0 and also does not match the PVR value, the real address remains unchanged and becomes the absolute address. 

If the top 12 bits match the PVR value, the prefixing hardware replace the top 12 bits with 0, effectively point it to the first real 4K memory block. This block of memory is used by the system ti store hardware I formation which can be inspected by all CPUs in the system. This is called reversed prefixing   

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

V=R Region

 MVS reserved some amount of real storage set by a value in the IPL parameter. Region requested V=R will have its virtual storage same as the real storage.  Two V=R regions will be mapped to different range in the real memory so they can share the reserved space. V=R region is not subjected to page fault and the storage is fixed in memory. 

Monday, April 1, 2024

MVS AS Layout

System Area occupies the low address range.  System Area contains the nucleus load modules and nucleus extension.  Nucleus load modules contains the dispatcher, interrupt handler and recovery support code.  Nucleus also contains the CVT and page frame table.  Nucleus extension contains fixed BLDL tables (device address of the program entries), fixed link pack area and other system-wise information.  Nucleus starts at address 0 and the virtual addresses of System Area is same as real addresses.

Private Area is above the System Area.  Private Area contains the user program in a region specified in the JOB card.  To keep track of works and stroage in region, the Private Area also contains the LSQA and SWA.  LSQA contains CB and tables related to the address space such as the segment table and page table.  Subpool 253, 254 and 255 are in LSQA.

SWA is a work area of dispatcher.  It contains subpool 236 and 237 which contains the job queue of the address space.

Private Area is pageable except the LSQA.  When the address space is swapped in, LSQA will be fixed in real memory until the address space is swapped out.

Above Private Area is the Common Area.  Common Area is common to all address spaces.  Common Area contains the SQA, Pageable LPA and Common System Area.  SQA contains tables and queues of the entire system and information related to all private address spaces.  These information cannot be placed in LSQA which can be paged out with specific address space. 

PLPA contains SVC routines, access method and other selected program.  The routines are re-entrant.  PLPA is pageable.

CSA is used for communication between address spaces. 

System Area and Common Area are shared by and common to all address spaces.  Their page tables are kept in SQA.  Segment table and the private page tables are kept in LSQA

Virtual Address Translation

 1. CPU Extended Control, EC-mode bit must be turned on in the PSW to enable DAT

2. Load the segment table address of the program in STOR

3. LPSW to load the program PSW with the translation bit (5) on

4. DAT verify the segment number is within the length of segment table (part of STOR).  If out of range, program is terminated with 0C4.

5. DAT check the segment entry invalid bit.  If it is 1. DAT returns segment translation error to OS

6. DAT checked the PTE and if GETMAIN bit is off, DAT returns program check error 0C4

7. If PTE invalid bit is off, the page is in main memory

8. If PTE invalid bit is on, a page fault is triggered and OS will bring the page in.  During this time, the program lose control of CPU.

24 bit and 31 bit address will be padded with zeros on the left to 64 bit before DAT translate it or prefixing translate it  

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Segment Table Origin Tegister

Control register 1 is the STOR which contains the segment table of the.currently running address space.  CR1 contains only 18 bits.  To find the segment tab;e, DAT appends 6 bits of 0s to form the real address for the segment table.

Page Table Entry

Page in virtual memory is allocated when it is GETMAINed.  The first page or a segment requested will be allocated a page table. Each PTE is either allocated or not allocated. The invalid bit indicated if the page is allocated.  The GETMAIN G-bit indicated donated if the page is in real memory or in external page store. The corresponding XPTE table store the cylinder track and tecord address of the page. 

Mainframe Storage Evolution

Primary Control Program (PCP) had no virtual storage. It manages real storage. Program loaded in the storage and uses overlay technique if the storage is not sufficient to host the entire program. One program is loaded and run at a time. 

The next step is MFT which divide the real storage into partitions predefined with fixed size. Program are fixed to particular partition based on their size. Use of storage is not optimal as small program wasted storage in the partition. Program loaded will have its base address be relocated by the loader to the partition real address for run. 

MVT is similar to MFT but the partition size is set    dynamically to reduce storage wastage for small program.  The downside is the possibility of memory fragmentation. If the freed up memory (when a program ends) is not large enough for the next program to run, the new program will have to wait. 

MFT and MVT comes with same source code and the customer need to change and adapt some macro to the hardware installed to generate the nucleus (sysgen). 

PCP, MFT and MVT addressed real memory directly. Program is compiled with origin 0. Loader will load the starting real memory address in the base register. This is called static relocation. 

MVT supports roll out and roll in operation to dynamically swap the whole program out the external store during run. Roll in will load the program in its original address before rollout so it is not very effective memory management. 

The next step is to develop virtual memory. Firstly, a program address space is divided into segments of block. Secondly, the address for each block is translate during run time which means the block load address can change while it runs. 

OS/VS1 and OS/VS2 release 1 (SVS) implemented virtual memory. However, there is only 1 virtual address space in the whole system. So they are corresponding to PCP and MVT using a larger virtual memory instead of real memory. 

MVS gave each user its own virtual memory space. 

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Domain Linkage

 Calling into a domain gate is via a macro for the desired gate. The macro set R1 to point to the TPL, set R0 to contain the row and column numbers of the gate in the Domain Gate Table and then call to the module DFHKEDCL to link to the gate. The RPL contains a fixed length header and a variable length parameter list. 

CICS use standard register convention when entering gate. R1 points to the parm list. R4 points to the stack storage of current user (similar to stack frame pointer which point to the base of the current frame). R13 points to top of stack of the current frame. R14 is the return address and R15 is the go to addresss. 

CICS Task and Transaction

 A task is a how represented by DTA (Dispatcher Task Area) control block in the Dispatcher Domain.  A task is created via the ATTACH call to the dispatcher and is registered with the Kernel domain such that an KE task is assigned with associated KSS storage. 

A transaction refers to a how originated from AP domain with an associated TCA and EIS control block there. A TQE (task year element) in AP which map to DTA in DS which in turn maps to KE. 

System task only have DTA but no TCA  

Kernel Anchor Block

 KCB contains some fields previously found in CSA. It contains the address of the KE-Task table which map work unit to TCB (QR, CO, RO resource owning etc). It also co gain pointers to the KSS (kernel stack segments) which is 2 stacks (24 and 31 bits) used for save area for each KE task when module calling. KSS is in MVS storage separate form application for better protection. 

Domain Gate Table

 This table reside in the kernel domain and contains pointer to the domain anchor block and the entry points of the specific and generic domain gates for each domain. The index to the table form the domain token.   

Tuesday, February 13, 2024


Multi programming with variable number of task OS load program one after another until all memory is used. When a program ends, its memory range is released. However a new program can be loaded if the contiguous space is large enough required by the program. Fragmentation of memory caused by programs ending at different time may not free enough contiguous memory for new program. 


Multiple fixed task OS divided real memory into partitions. Each job ran in one partition. When loader load a program in a partition, it relocate the code to run in the partition memory address range. 


Primary Control Program system run one job at a time. Program is loaded in a fixed location in memory. PCP automates many of the operator intervention tasks at that time. Program larger than memory need to be broken down into overlays. Input output spooling was available but not officially supported. 

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Mainframe Main Memory access

 Main memory is divided into block. Each block is associate with a storage key. To fetch or update data in the block, program access key is checked against the block key. This is for compatibility with old machine architecture before virtual storage is available. Also the block has a reference and a change bit. 

Main storage blocks are 2K in size though most manipulation is 4K. The he reason is to be compatible with DOS. 

MCU control the access to memory by COU or channel. Address is stored in memory address register (MAR) and data to store or the result of fetch is stored in memory data register (MDR). 

To store, CPU (or channel) alerts MCU with a MEMORIZE signal to signify it is a store request. It then update the MAR and MDR. It then issues the NOW signal to start the store operation. 

To fetch from memory, the request or issue a RECALL signal, then update the MAR. It issues a NOW signal to MCU to fetch the data 

MVS channel and control unit

An I/O address is a combination of channel number, control unit number and device number. 

Control unit handle the assembly of bits sent from device to bytes format, it also validate the data using CRC. The purpose of CU is to centralize these logic to make device cheaper to manufacture. 

Channel is used to offload CPU from moving data from device to main memory (DMA). 


 VIO uses virtual storage and paging dataset to simulate temporary dataset for program. VIO provides better performance as it eliminate VTOC processing, and better I/O load balancing. 


 I/O Supervisor is responsible to start I/O operation and monitor events from channel, control unit and devices. 

To start an I/O, IOS store the address of a channel program in caw (channel address word) follow by start I/O instruction. When I/O is done. IOS performs termination processing. IOS also responds to event, purging or restoring an I/O operation. 

Program and access method interact with IOS via Drivers. Most of access method uses EXCP driver. The EXCP and EXCPVR macro invokes the EXCP driver. The driver convert the virtual addresses in the channel command words into real address. It issues STARTIO macro to starts the I/O. IOS takes over and issue the STARTIO instruction or queue the request for later execution


 DSCB resides in VTOC. It is the dataset label that contains the characteristics of the dataset, and the physical tracks that t resides. 

DASDM routines manipulates these DSCB and include ALLOCATE, SCRATCH, PARTIAL RELEASE and EXTEND. It also include VTOC RELATED ROUTINES such as RENAME, OBTAIN, LEPACE and PROTECT. 

MVS OPEN, CLOSE and EOV processing

 The OPEN macro verify the volume and dataset password. For tape, it writes volume label. It then passes vi trip to access method. 

The Close macro update the dscb in vtoc. For tape processing it writes the tape mark and reposition the tape. 

EOV handle the situation when the write reach the end of volume transparently to the application. It extends the dataset to another disk or tape volume.  For disk, VTOC is updated. For tape, you t will ask to mount another volume and continue writing. 


 JES read in job and spool it in DASD. The Converter translates the JCL into internal text. An initiator asked for a job to run, JES selects a job based on tge PRIORITY specified in the JCL. The Interpreter allocate the control blocks through which the system will manage the job execution. The Initiator attach the job task. When the job step is running, JES collect the job output and spool it. When the job ends, the Terminator releases the job resources 

MVS linage

Early generation (1950s) mainframe does not have an operating system. It run batch one at a time. Operator will feed the program to card reader together with the subroutine deck the program uses. Operator also allocate the devices required. When the program ends, operator deallocate the device es and prepare for the next step (program) to run. The operation is manual. 

The first rudimentary OS at early 1960d are Primary Control Program (PCP) and Disk Operation System (DOS). These OS mechanizing job transition. Device allocation is still Manual. The OS will search for the subroutine library to retrieve the program requires to run. The system is still running one job at a time. 

MFT (multi programming with fixed number or task) came out in 1967 for OS/360. It support running a fixed number of jobs co currently. JCL is used to separate the program from operations (device, dispatching etc). Output is managed by HASP. Multi programming led to TSO and RJE. 

MFT gave rise to MVT (variable number of task). More programming language is supported include PL/1, ALGOL, APL and Basic. 

In 973, three new OS came out - SVS,VS and VM370 all supporting virtual storage. This eliminate the overlay technics. As demand to support more users gave birth to MVS in 1974 

The evolution of mainframe OS improved productivity of users and application and system programmers. It automate computer operations, workload management, data and resource management. 

Saturday, January 20, 2024


 The BASIC ROM contains the BASIC interpreter. User enter the program line by line and it was parsed and stored as linked list in memory. The line number specified for each statement is needed for the parser to know where to insert the parsed structure in the linked list. The parsed statements are then interpreted to run the program. 

Sunday, January 14, 2024


Program Control Program (PCP) is used support program call function in CICS.  CICS supports LINK API which allow one program to call another program.  The callee returns to the caller when finished.  XCTL pass control to another program of the same level and there is not return from the callee.  LOAD allows a program to load another load module (table, map etc) into memory.  PCP also support abend handler (HANDLE ABEND) which percolate control up program levels when a program encountered an abend.

CICS PCP functions allow related program to call each other dynamically.  Related programs does not need to be linked into a big module.  PCP also allocate separate working storage for each transaction which share the same program.  PCP also saves and restores program related fields in TCA.

Saturday, January 13, 2024

CICS Table Management

Table management module was introduced to supported RDO on CICS.  As RDO is dynamic in nature, TMP uses a chained table entries in a list so that the size can changed without restarting CICS. Each control table chain in CICS started from  a scatter table which contain a hash table of pointers. Table entries are hashed for fast search starting from the pointer in corresponding table entries. Entries hashed to the same value will be chained off. The scatter table also contains a pointer that chain all entries for sequential scan through the whole table.  Program like CEMT can access tables via a call to TMP.


The LIFO area is a stack area used by CICS modules to save registers. Additional LIFO storage can be allocated in DSA. 

Transaction Work Area

 TWA can be requested via PCT. TWA is mainly used by macro level program became the working storage is not duplicated for each task using the same macro level program.  In marco level program, the working storage is assumed to be read only.  

(his is different from command line program which using EIP and the working storage is automated allocated separately for each transaction using the same program.  Therefore, command level program seldom uses TWA. 

TWA is deleted when the transaction ends. The issue for using TWA is that it is allocated behind UTCA in control block area. Storage violation would likely affects CICS availability. 

CICS Dispatcher list

The suspend list contains tasks that waiting for long wait. I/O wait is not considered to be long and thus task waiting for I/O is queued in the active list instead. Long wait are those that may not have a target deadline like terminal I/O or interval control wait etc. 

Tasks in active list are ordered by priority which is calculated as the sum of transaction, terminal and user priority capped to 255 (stored in a byte). 

TCP (Terminal Control) task which is used to attach new task have priority of 255 and is placed on top of the list. Tasks are queued in the active chain in priority order.  New task are placed behind tasks with same priority (FIFO).

Saturday, January 6, 2024

X86 floating point

80287 was the first floating point co-processor for x86. The floating point registers were organized in a stack architecture. Floating point instructions was handled by ESC opcode prefix. The performance has been lagging comparing to other CPU. Intel subsequently introduced SSE implemented with a traditional floating point architecture. SSE also allow loading of 4 single precision floating point data into its register and gave further speed up.

Floating point Arithmatics

As there is infinite number of values between 0 and 1, storing floating point in a bit string with fixed length (like 32 bit register) is a an approximation of the actual real number. Therefore, floating point arithmetic may not be precise. Floating point instruction provide multiple option for programmer to treat the computed result - rounds up, rounds down etc. 

Floating point bias

To facilitate comparison, floating point store the sign in fist speed follow by exponent bits. The exponent is stored as two’s compliment number. 

An unsigned integer of 8 bits cover the value of 0 to 255. Two’s compliment encoding divide the 256 values into (almost) half for positive and half for negative. The advantage of two’s compliment number is that we can just add positive and negative number without heeding the sign and still generate the correct result. 

As exponent is stored as two’s compliment, the value of negative is higher ( in binary format) than positive exponent. To allow correct comparison, ieee754 uses a bias of 127. The bias was added to the exponent before it is stored. So the comparison would be performed naturally. 

When the floating point is used for computation, the bias is subtracted from the exponent before use 

Friday, January 5, 2024

Floating point

Scientific notation refers to a number with a single digit to the left of the decimal point and an exponential figure to the right. For example 1.23x10^2 is the scientific notation for 123. 

Normalised number refer to a scientific notation without leading zero. For example, 0.123x10^4 a s not a normalised scientific notation.  

Floating point is an encoding of the normalised scientific notation in binary in a word. The fraction part represents the precision and the exponent part represents range. The fraction is assumed to have a leading one which is not included in the encoding. 

The first bit is a sign bit followed by 8 bits for exponent and 23 bits for fraction. So the precision is 24 bits with the implicit leading 1. For double, the fraction is 52 (+1) bits long. The exponent is 11 bits long. 

The decimal value represented is equal to (-1)^sign x fraction ^ exponent

Multiplication and division logic

Multiplication is implemented in hardware as a series of shift and add operation. The implementation can be accelerated using multiple adder hardware to perform the operation concurrently. 

Division algorithm is serial in nature. Each step depends on the result of the previous step in the algorithm. Therefore, it cannot be enhanced easily like multiplication    In other words, the performance of division will be lower than multiplication. 

Tuesday, January 2, 2024

X86 Instruction Prefix

 X86 instructions support data size of 8, 16, 32 and 64 bits.  The default size (either 16 or 32 which is considered more commonly used) is set in bit in code segment register. To override the default, we be can use an instruction prefix. 

There are 3 other prefix originated from the 8086 that modify the behaviour of instructions. They are used see to

1. Overdue the default segment register

2. Lock the bus to support synchronzation

3. Repay the instruction until ECR counts for ti 0.  This prefix is commonly used to move a number of bytes  ironically, this method is slower comparing to software routine using load (to register) and store (to memory). If we use floating point register, the performance is even higher in this way. 

X86 register

X86 has 8 GPR which is much less comparing to RISC CPU.  The low number of GPR also influenced the instruction set format. One of the register will be both source and destination of the instruction.